Main Street Insiders is a weekly newsletter with news, education, and inspiration for building an America First economy. One where those of us on Main Street call the shots instead of Wall Street or global elites.
We’ll talk investing, economics, personal finance, and entrepreneurship. But ultimately, it’s about owning your future.
Written by two regular guys from the countryside. One a semi-retired college marketing teacher (Jeff), the other a university economics student (Luke). Both love entrepreneurship and creativity. And family.
We’re not from Wall Street (thankfully), we didn’t go to elite schools (mercifully), and don’t fit in with any “establishment” (happily).
However, we are keen observers who are seeing the same things you are. Increasing prices, falling wages, woke companies — the list goes on.
We also recognize patterns. We know there are serious problems in our country, a lot of things are upside down in our society and our economy.
And still, we’re optimists. Where others see increasing hopelessness, we see a bright and compelling future - and a surprisingly clear path for getting there. Perhaps quicker than you might think.
That’s what brought us here.
Join us on this journey. We need each other.
This is the way.
God bless and God bless America,
-Jeff and Luke