Who Are Main Street Insiders?
This newsletter is dedicated to Main Street Insiders, our name for the hardworking, family-oriented, patriotic, and entrepreneurial folks who:
Work the uncelebrated jobs
Build our communities
Grow our food
Protect our freedoms
Educate our kids and raise our families
Our common dreams are simple: To live in safe communities, to make a good living, to raise our families with love and integrity, to own our house, to create generational wealth we can pass on, and to leave our children with a better life than we had. Main Street Insiders are the dreamers and doers that make America great.
If this describes you, then you are a Main Street Insider.
There’s easily 100 million Americans out there who share these same basic dreams and values with you. As a group, we all are the real power players.
But There’s A Problem
The problem is that there is another type of insider — the Wall Street insiders and global elites. A modern mafia, disguised in a suit and a briefcase.
Their common dreams are also simple: To own the future and rent it to you on their terms. Blackrock wants to own the houses. Google and Facebook want to control the information. Amazon wants to replace Main Street small businesses. And the list goes on. Government elites and media personalities have joined the fray in an unholy alliance as a way to consolidate their own power.
Our dreams and their dreams can’t co-exist. The differences are too large to bridge - and the elites know this. So they’ve declared an economic war on all of us. Their weapon of choice isn’t guns, it’s their wealth.
I know, I know. That sounds over-exaggerated and heavy. War? Weapons?
Unfortunately, it’s reality and we need to face facts before it’s too late. Look around. . . people are losing their businesses, their jobs, their access to health care, their ability to freely communicate online, and even their right to move freely in society without some kind of “passport.” In a world run by global insiders, you will work long hours and barely be able to pay your bills. You will be crippled by interest payments on your debt. While the government prints money to make the rich even richer, your wages will be worth less and less. You will own nothing; they will own everything—that’s the key. The elites want to leverage their power to destroy the core American values that make this the greatest nation on earth: the freedom to speak, worship, and make your dreams a reality.
Not on our watch.
Together, We Win
The elites act tough, but they are scared. You can see it in their eyes. They know that while we are not powerful enough to defeat them as individuals, combined we are an army. Main Street Insiders like you wield immense power, and if we use it everything changes.
It’s important to remind ourselves that before our greatest American heroes became legends, they were common people who dreamed of a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities. Then they took their ideas and made them a reality. The Main Street Insiders community will draw on their legacy.
If we band together, we can starve Wall Street and global elites of their power and influence. We’ll put that power and money back in the hands of Main Street Insiders so we can keep building this great country.
Inform, Educate, and Inspire
That’s what we’re here to do. Subscribers to the Main Street Insiders newsletter get:
An overview of the economic battlefield that’s been forced upon us - part of winning is knowing the terrain you’re fighting on
Analysis of important stories and trends in business, economics, and investing
Commentary on how these stories fit into the bigger picture of building an America First economy
Lessons from history when great Americans fought globalist elites in previous eras
Practical tips on how to use your investing, spending, and giving to fight and win this economic war
A great place to start is our 3-part series on the story that’s unfolding right now. All of it: the hero (you), the villain (elites), and the battle plan.
This is the way.
God bless and God bless America.
-Jeff and Luke